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Behind the Noise: Interview with n0trixx

Hello n0trixx! It’s so amazing to be able to speak to you about your debut EP voices.

1. To start off the interview, I would love to ask an icebreaker question before we dive into your music. To start, what is your favorite movie?

Easily the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It has everything I need in a movie. Captivating plot, a world that is so enticing to feel part of, breath-taking music, and MOUNTAINS. I’ve watched the director’s cut with the three movies back to back well over 20 times and each time I watch it I just cry throughout.

2. For anyone who is new to your music, how would you describe your music and yourself as an artist?

Genre-wise my production is closest to trap metal. I use distorted 808s coupled with heavy drums, enhanced by either metal guitars or menacing synths. Vocals are a mixture of metal screams, versatile rap, and wicked and unsettling female melodic vocals.

3. Your song 'Split’ on voices is about dissociative identity disorder. How has the topic of mental health and your experiences with mental health influenced your music?

This project is about mental health as much as it is about music. When I, the dark personality within our system, first came into existence, it was because of a trauma that was not dealt with correctly. And back then the only thing I had available for me to cope with my emotions was music. So now years later I feel it’s my turn to give back and not only create music to help others but also raise awareness of mental health issues.

4. What additional themes/topics can we hear about when listening to voices?

I open up about everything that moved me greatly. 'Snakepit' is a very motivational song inspired by getting through the hardships of being in the music industry. 'Sweet Baby' is a sonic representation of me trying to appease the voices in my head. 'Bastard' is about a breakup but with a very badass twist as it was a diss track I performed in front of the very bastard on his birthday. 'Dreadful Future' is basically what this whole year was about for me: protesting against the war and fleeing my home, burning bridges, having my other personality yell at me, and failing to see the light at the end of the tunnel…

5. What was the songwriting process for voices like?

My whole music-making process always starts with lyrics. Every song is a story of something that has moved me greatly and as I am a pretty emotional person, I have a lot of those moments. So I just write down everything that I have to say in a notepad in a self-therapeutic manner and then rearrange the words to create the flow. Music comes in pretty effortlessly, I just scream and sing my emotions into my mic and then sit down to create a beat to those vocals.

6. Do you have any musicians who have inspired you and/or your music?

Slipknot and Korn are my top artists and you can hear the influence I got from them in my vocals. Their music is also what got me through a lot of pain in my life.

7. Who is someone you would love to collaborate on a song with?

I respect Ic3peak not only because of the insane quality of their production but also because they are members of the Russian opposition. They are insanely brave and stand up for justice and have been a huge motivation for me and others to do the same. They have done a lot to boost Russia’s reputation overseas even though they are blacklisted. So it would be an honour to collab with them one day.

8. What has been your favorite place to perform so far?

The Ferret in Preston, UK is a legendary place with a unique atmosphere where a lot of big acts started their music career and I was honored to perform there. It’s at risk of closing down so I hope that they can get more donations to save it!!

9. What would be your dream city and/or venue to perform at?

As a kid, I used to go to Köln to hang out at Amphi fest so it would be a real blast if I could one day perform there as an artist!

10. What is something you're looking forward to in the future?

Touring the US is my next goal and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been there quite a few times and have a lot of friends and loyal fans based there!

Check out n0trixx's EP voices out now!


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