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glimmers Releases Newest EP 'Little Mistake'

Edited by Anna Mengani

glimmers is a pop-rock band from Atlanta, Georgia. The band currently consists of the members Maggie Schneider (lead vocals), Alex Downtain (guitar), Alex Norrell (vocals and guitar), Ari Patwarry (bass), and Jeremy Russell (drums). The band recently released their second EP Little Mistake on March 29th, 2023. The band started gaining attention in the pop-punk scene when they released their first EP Worlds Apart' on April 23rd, 2021. Which features their most popular song 'I'm Not Good At Goodbyes ft. Lostbody.' Since then, the band has continued to grow their audience with each new release.

‘Little Mistake’ is an EP that combines the moments of softer more intimate sounds of instruments such as an acoustic guitar and piano, with the key features of the pop-punk genre in the form of electric guitar riffs that’ll make you instinctively bob Your head and drum beats that’ll get your heart pumping. With the impact of heartfelt lyrics that pack an emotional punch in every song.

The EP starts off with the title track 'Little Mistake.' The song starts off with the sound of a soft delicate piano accompanied by Maggie's voice. Halfway through the first verse a infectious duo of a guitar riff and rhythmic drum beat begin before the song bursts into its pop-punk climax in the chorus. The lyrics in the second part of the chorus strike a chord in those if us who've been in a relationship where the other person was uncertain and uncommitted

"You see, I want something real / Something good to replace / Of your sweet nothing's left a sour taste / In my head and my heart I know we were dead from the start."

The song dramatically tones down its intensity in the bridge. It's followed by nothing but the soft elegant sound of the piano and Maggie's vocals from the beginning for the first half of final chorus. Which thematically drives forward the weight of the heartfelt vulnerable lyrics throughout the whole song. The song ends with the instrumental ending at the tail end of the chorus, leaving the sound of only Maggie's voice to deliver the emphasis on the last lyrics "We were dead from the start."

The next song, 'Midas Touch' starts off with the soft soothing sound of notes being plucked on an acoustic guitar for the first verse. A nice simple chord progression is introduced in the first bridge leading up to the song bursting into the chorus. Which is filled with a lush rhythmic electrifying guitar riff and a lyrical melody that matches up perfectly with the melody of the riff at times, making this chorus something you won't soon forget. The song reels itself in for the third bridge before reducing itself back to the beautiful acoustic guitar for the chorus, before the song explodes into the final chorus, allowing the song to have a tasteful balance between the glorious fast, heavy punk elements and the stripped-down sentimental moments in the song.

'Dreaming' starts off with a bang, unlike the songs prior to it the song grabs your attention by opening up with a vivacious arrangement of electric guitar and drums, with the added graceful sound of a piano that elevates and compliments the intro. The second verse introduces a deeply rich bass line that's bound to rattle inside your head and stick with you for the rest of the day. In the bridge, Maggie adds a level of desperation to her vocal delivery that will make you reminisce on your past relationships that didn't end well, as she sings the lyrics "Did I know you really/Did I/Did you know me really."

The EP closes with 'Scared To Lose.' The song starts out with an electronic pop-like atmospheric intro that leads into the first verse. The first verse contains a combination of a piano and shakers in the very beginning that deliver an overall mellow vibe to the song, all of the instruments stop briefly mid-verse, giving a dramatic pause before throwing an electric guitar into the fray that prepares you for the zesty chorus that's to come. The song simplifies itself in the first half of the bridge instrumentally, while introducing a slow build in intensity that's most noticeable in a bouncy drum segment that leads to a crescendo in the second part of the bridge. The song ends with the tail end of the last chorus having nothing but the sound of a majestic piano and Maggie's voice creating an ethereal conclusion not just to the song, but to the EP as a whole.

‘Little Mistake’ is a great listen for anyone who feels underappreciated in a relationship or perhaps in a one-sided relationship where they feel like they’re the only one putting forth an effort. While delivering an unforgiving yet elegant upbeat pop-punk experience.


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