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Regulate Unleashes Hypnotizing LP Regulate

New York-based band Regulate has been in the hardcore scene since 2013, and it's time to give them their flowers. Regulate is a ten-track LP that is vocalists Sebastian Paba's most personal lyrics as of yet. The album was created through the hardest of times during the pandemic. Regulate has always been an outlet for Sebastian's vulnerability. The band's latest album in 2018, In the Promise of Another Tomorrow was a commentary about identity and power structure.

Regulate is on the border of traditional hardcore and pulls influences from Latin music and R&B. The lyrics to each song are catchy, along with clean, hard-hitting vocals. The lyrics push the envelope on serious topics that should be discussed more such as the genocide against indigenous people to more light-hearted topics such as the enjoyment of making music.

The opening track "In the Moment" starts off strong with punchy drums and raspy hardcore vocals. The singing vocals sound buttery like R&B which creates more emotional texture to the song other than aggressive. Towards the end of the song, there's an epic breakdown that really encapsulates the emotional spectrum of the song while being a perfect transition into "The Crime"

"Work" is my favorite song on the LP. The vocal technique reminds me of nu-metal. It's very short, raspy, and aggressive. The song and lyrics amplify the anger that many people have with the "American dream." The lyrics delve into how explorative American work life is for the poor, working-class, and how exclusive it is for people of color.

The LP ends with, "New York Hates You" and "C.O.P." "New York Hates You" has lyrics that sum up the New York attitude, "So no one likes you, we don't care. You expect respect but we just don't care." "New York Hate You" also piggies back off "Work" a little with the topic of profit and capitalism. "C.O.P" ends off the LP by emphasizing power dynamic issues in the police force and the oppression people face because of the police. This album is one of my favorites this year by far because of the band's musicality and for creating music to talk about serious and important issues that are a reality for many.

We are so excited to hear what Regulate has in store for us next. Check out their upcoming shows!

Upcoming Shows

11/5 - New Haven, CT @ State House w/ Crown of Thornz

12/10+11 - Bogata, Colombia @ 100% Hardcore Fest


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