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Celebrating 20 years of Ocean Avenue with Yellowcard

Edited by Anna Mengani

Yellowcard brings their incredible tour to a stop in Charlotte with friends from This Wild Life, Story of the Year and Mayday Parade. It made for a night of nostalgia and memories that will last a lifetime.


This Wild Life

The fun started off with This Wild Life who self claim to be the "Hot Topic Mumford and Sons". The duo who is a rock duo brought their acoustic set to the stage and kick-started the night with fun and energy that the whole crowd could join in with.

Story of the Year

Second to take the stage, Story of the Year emerged to the cheers of the crowd. From the second they stepped onto the stage until the final lyrics from their most iconic hit, "Until the day I die" there was no shortage of energy and excitement. Fans enthusiastically sang along with the songs throughout the whole set and there was no doubt that everyone left as even bigger fans of the band than they were before they came on the stage.

Mayday Parade

Third up on stage in this amazing lineup of bands was Mayday Parade. There was no shortage of energy from Mayday Parade as they put on a show that will live in your memories forever. This pop-punk band led the crowd in singing some of the most well know songs the band has produced. Ending on the crowd-pleaser "Jamie All Over" the voices of the fans filled the amphitheater to bring to close what could only be called a breathtaking set from Mayday Parade.


Closing out the night and the reason for celebrating, Yellowcard took the stage to deafening cheers from the crowd. From the very first note played you were thrown back to those teenage days and to memories of jamming out to this iconic band. The emotion from the band could be felt in every single person that was in attendance. Not only does Yellowcard bring you songs that live in your heart for years upon years, but the stage presence they have while performing live is a whole different experience in itself. If you have the chance to see them live, take it. It is an experience you would never regret!


This Wild Life

Story of the Year

Mayday Parade


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